Guiding principles

The principles and values ​​of Böckling GmbH & Co. KG

Our mission statement represents values ​​that apply to everyone in the company and is our guide for the future of our company. It is everyone's guide to action and everyone can refer to it.

The goal is to sustainably improve the cohesion of all parts of the company and to build a basis of trust for all of us.

Every employee is the backbone of our company and contributes to the success of all of us through their work.

1. customer satisfaction

The satisfaction of our customers is our top priority.

2. sustainability

We are aware of our responsibility and act sustainably and environmentally conscious.

3. Future-oriented

We will preserve our company and the jobs associated with it.

4. quality

We inspire our customers with quality, flexibility, competence and service.

5. cooperation

We promote partnership and trusting cooperation.

6. competence

We promote our employees and train specialist staff.